[WIP]Inflatable-Haptics-Enhanced Interactions

2 min readOct 10, 2021

To simulate haptic sensation in virtual environment using pneumatically-actuated glove. For example, to simulate the sensation of holding an object in the environment by inflating the air bag. When user hold tight, the air bag sense the pressure and trigger input for object manipulation/ grasp in XR.


Concept & Sketch

10.10 Demo

✅Able to change the inflatable object according to the scale of the virtual object.

Model-interactive inflatable shape controling: changing size according to the size of the virtual object

10.11 Demo

✅Finish the communication from Arduino to Unity:

  • First, the bubble change size according to the clicked object.
  • Then, bubble detect grasping and change color of that object.

🤔The next step would be including the hand position detection. One way would be directly using Oculus’s built in hand tracking. Another way would be combining an IMU on the bubble. I will try with Oculus first soon.

🤔Another thing needs to be done is to redesign the PCB to make it smaller, lighter and wearable.

